Pilot Mountain State Park: Art in Nature

February 27, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
1721 Pilot Knob Park Rd, Pinnacle, NC, 27043; email marissa.mabe@ncparks.gov to sign up

Nature holds many different objects that can inspire art! Join us for a hike on the Fiddlehead Trail to examine the many different textures in nature and participate in a fun art project. All materials will be provided, but if you would like to bring your own colored pencils and sketch book paper, feel free to do so. The Fiddlehead Trail is 0.7 miles long and considered easy. Meet at the visitor center. Please email marissa.mabe@ncparks.gov to sign up.  

Bald Head Island Conservancy: Marvelous Microscopic Worlds